Friday, April 22, 2011


Let’s Discover 

Question: What did one math book say to the other?
 Answer: Don't bother me! I have my own problems!
Good day fellow mathematicians! It was really great to see the responses to my question from class! I had asked you to come up with questions you had on probability with every day life objects. Here is what you came up with:
x   What is the probability that I will get one red Smartie in a bowl of 2 red Smarties, 6 blue Smarties and 10 purple Smarties?
x   What are my chances of rolling a two on a dice?
x   What is the probability that I get pizza for dinner when I already had it last night?
I will bring some items into class and we can explore these questions and more. Until then here are some fun websites to get your minds all warmed up!
Let's practice the difference between probably and improbable, Click here and see!

The Monty Hall Problem is an advanced idea but why not check it out and discuss it with your family!

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